Tuesday, December 18, 2007

English Automobiles!

Ever since we moved here, AJ and I have been fascinated by all of the funny, little vehicles driven around! They're hilarious! We've been trying to take pictures of some of them along the way so that you, too, can share a laugh. The standard vehicle size seems to be something on the line of a mini-Cooper! Can you imagine a family of 5 on a long road trip in one of those things?! Ha.Ha.

There are so many more car types I wish I could share...hopefully I'll remember to take more pictures along the way!

The "Smart" Car!...so cute, you want to pinch it's little bumper! Ha.Ha. These little guys can parallel park in a standard parking space!

Not your typical car...but on one sunny day, AJ saw a Lambourghini, a Porche, and 2 Ferrari's!

One of the many ice cream trucks in Bristol!

Is this a mini-mini-Cooper?

This van was parked outside of our house. It is super skinny, and kind of reminds me of Bart Simpson. Ha.Ha.

I'm not sure what kind of "truck" this is...it is TINY! I think it sits permanently at this spot next to the grocery store...so if you ever come to visit, you'll get to see it for yourself!


Lisa H. said...

I love smart cars!!!!!!!! These pics are great :)

Andrew said...

I have been following your journey in England and have loved your writing! So, fun to see your adventures. Have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!

Love, Ashly