Saturday, August 4, 2007

We Made It!

Hello Friends!

This is a bit overdue, but AJ and I wanted to share that we made it to Wisconsin safely on Wednesday evening (August 1st). We like to say we made it in record SLOW time! It was one of the longer 16 hour stretches we ever remembered....but we made it! Phew! We're already missing our beloved family of friends, but we're continually reminding ourselves that we are blessed to have had the opportunity to live in Denver in the first place. It was a true blessing to us! It has also been a blessing reconnecting with family and friends in Wisconsin. It made me laugh thinking of all the things we'd forgotten about Wisconsin, like:

1. The mosquito really is the state bird
2. It's so humid your hair curls
3. We can now recognize our accents!
4. Folks here know how to eat...and offer more!
5. There is so much road's so sad!
6. This IS Packer Country...everyone's mailboxes, flags, and lawn ornaments prove it!

I wish I could remember all of the other observations...but I'm coming up blank!

AJ and I wanted to sincerely thank our friends for thinking of us during our time of transition...including the Witte's who hosted a lovely Going Away Party for us (and thank you everyone who attended...we LOVED it!), Janee's yummy bread and muffins, Lonnalee's awesome peanut butter cookies, Heather's "hotel" and sweet hospitality, the Seibel's coffee pick-me-ups along the way, Jo's wonderful scents, Thao's beautiful jewelry, and many others. Thank you!! Please stay in touch! We love you guys...

AJ & Andie


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